Our History

ANBITION borns in early 2018 when Sandro De Falco and Menotti Ruvo, researchers with a thirty years experience in biotechnology applied research, met Davide Rosiello, CEO and founder of BIOVIIIx.

Sandro De Falco and Menotti Ruvo have a longstanding experience in the identification and preclinical validation of small synthetic molecules (peptides) for therapeutic applications.
Davide Rosiello is a visionary, creative and enlightened entrepreneur, with a forward-looking view of research and of its potentials, perceived as the main drivers of the economic, strategic and social development of the region and of the whole country.
BIOVIIIx is a company based in Naples mostly operating in the research, development and commercialization of drugs against coagulopathies. BIOVIIIx economically supports the initiative, and owns 33.3% of the ANBITION shares.